

立德树人 | 上财中欧平台江晓东:结合古代历史故事 讲解现代营销智慧

立德树人 | 上财中欧平台江晓东:结合古代历史故事 讲解现代营销智慧

立德树人 | 上财中欧平台江晓东:事 讲解现代营销智慧

上财iMBA商战云课堂(CMO训练营联合场)—— 后疫情期,快消行业的营销破局

2020年4月2日(星期四)20:00-21:30 在线,腾讯会议

活动预告丨【MBA跨界课堂第四期】“营销任务导向的数据挖掘” 开课啦!


市场营销系学术报告:Machine Learning for Text: The Role of Social Media in the Design of Targeted Referral Programs

Machine Learning for Text: The Role of Social Media in the Design of Targeted Referral Programs

市场营销系学术报告:Dynamics of Consumer Price Search

Dynamics of Consumer Price Search

市场营销系学术报告:Stick to My Own Opinions: The Impact of Social Crowding on Attitude Persistence

Stick to My Own Opinions: The Impact of Social Crowding on Attitude Persistence

市场营销系学术报告:Competitive Benchmarking: Convincing for All or Only Some?

Competitive Benchmarking: Convincing for All or Only Some?