市场营销系学术报告:Stick to My Own Opinions: The Impact of Social Crowding on Attitude Persistence




摘要:The current research, as a first attempt to shed some lights of the longitudinal effect of social crowding on consumers’ attitude and repetitive behaviors, examines the relationship between social crowding and consumers’ attitude persistence. Five studies show that the perception of social crowding enhances consumers’ attitude persistence in the presence of changes in marketing information and that this effect is independent of the valence of such changes (e.g., promotion has just become available or the promotion has just ended). This expect is explained by consumers who are in a socially crowded environment tend to shift their attentions from the external world into internal feelings and thoughts, and in turn, rely on them rather than external cues as bases for product judgments. As result, such an enhanced relative internal-focus boosts their attitude persistence in decision making. In line with this relative internal-focus mechanism, this effect is found to attenuate among consumers’ who with a lower self-concept clarity and when product judgement is detached from your own attitude and preference, such as in a gifting context.