Job title: Associate Project Manager
Location: Shanghai
Purpose of job:
This position will be responsible for accelerating the implementation of current ongoing LPS
projects, help set up standard structures or tools for usage and assist with one large internal
China project with international involvement to ensure project yields optimal future usage.
1. Manage internal regular reviews ensuring the effectiveness of projects and daily works:
- Establish and arrange for reporting routines, review schedules etc.
- Arrange and attend internal meetings and events, t-cons, video-cons together with VP,
set up standard structures for same.
- Follow up with Europe and the people that all agreed tools and services are in place,
drive to make sure all is understood, trained, implemented locally.
- Identify and initiate already identified but not yet started tools and services.
- Help drive forward the 100’s of different projects and tasks which are ongoing out here.
2. Building up fundamental database of our business/organization and market info. including
but not limited to:
- Collect and organize all the information we have about each business and organization into
professional unified formats.
- Organize the relevant market data, direction blueprints, distributor mappings, resource
mappings and establish routines / tools for how these are kept updated.
- Build all tools of information, e.g. templates and structures, and share resources within.
3. Assist VP of Asia on
- Work with / on behalf of VP on performances analysis, deficiencies detection and improvements.
- Prepare presentations for VP, including template for future, drive professional, checked and
template build presentations for sales directors across region.
- Act as temp right hand to the VP, coach others (such as personal assistant to VP) to take
meaningful roles, expand their roles, help set routines on this aspect.
- Assist LPS leadership resources when VP is not present with the purpose of instilling effective
4. Assist and to some degree drive one large internal China project with heavy international
involvement, make sure project moves forward, and ensure project yields optimal future
usage together with or on behalf of LPS VP.
1. MBA degree.
2. More than 3 working experience in project management in MNC, Life Science related will be plus.
3. Proven track record for successful delivery of commercial projects, which includes good
commercial conflict and problem resolution capability and resource management..
4. Excellent communication, adaptability and interpersonal skills in a multi-cultural working
5. A quick learner in business and capable of taking advantage of tools and technology.
6. Proficient in English and Mandarin both in spoken and written.
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赛多利斯集团是一家国际领先的实验室仪器、生物制药技术和设备的供应商,提供生物工艺过程、实验室产品与服务、工业称重产品。2012年,赛多利斯集团取得了8.457亿欧元的销售额。赛多利斯集团成立于1870年,总部位于德国哥廷根,在全球已拥有5,000多名员工。其生物工艺解决方案涵盖过滤、液体处理、发酵、细胞培养和纯化,并致力于生物制药行业过程控制。实验室产品及服务部主要生产实验室仪器及耗材。工业称重专注于对食品,化工和制药行业生产工 艺过程中的称重、监控和控制。赛多利斯集团在欧洲、亚洲以及美洲都拥有自己的生产及研发机构,并已在全球110多个国家设立了办事处及代表处。