会议报名 | 2021 上财-暨南产业组织网络讨论会

2021 上财-暨南产业组织网络讨论会


China Virtual Industrial Organization Seminar

为促进产业组织领域的国际学术交流,上海财经大学中欧平台和暨南大学IESR将共同举办2021 “上财-暨南产业组织网络讨论会”。


本次网络讨论会分8次进行,时间为69日开始至728日的每周三上午北京时间9:0010:15。常规学术讨论会包含45分钟展示,15分钟评论人点评,以及15分钟自由交流;在双文章讨论会中,每次会议包含两篇论文,每篇论文包含25分钟展示, 10分钟评论人点评,以及10分钟自由交流。第一次和最后一次会议为主题圆桌讨论会。




The SUFE-IESR China Virtual Industrial Organization Seminar (China-VIOS) provides an online research community to help disseminate IO research in China. This IO seminar series is co-hosted by SUFE College of Business and Jinan University Institute for Economic and Social Research.


The 2021 China-VIOS consists of eight online seminar sessions via Zoom meetings from June 9 to July 28. All seminars will be held on Wednesdays from 9am to 10:15am Beijing Time. Each one-paper session includes a 45-minute presentation, a 15-minute discussion and a 15-minute Q&A; in two-paper sessions, each paper will have a 25-minute presentation, a 10-minute discussion and a 10-minute Q&A. The first and last session are panel discussions with invited economists from industry and academics.



l  Jun 9, 2021

Panel Session: Antitrust Policy and Platform Economics

Chair: Mark Roberts


Ginger Jin (University of Maryland): Platform as A Rule Maker: Evidence from Airbnb Cancellation Policies

Heng Ju (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics): IO in recent AML Enforcements

Guofu Tan (University of Southern California): Modeling and Data Works in Antitrust Enforcement


l  Jun 16, 2021

Chair: Mo Xiao

Yufeng Huang (University of Rochester) - Seller-Pricing Frictions and Platform Remedies

Discussant: Zach Brown (University of Michigan)


l  Jun 23 ,2021

Chair: Daniel Xu

Yushi Peng (University of Zurich) - Mortgage Credit and Housing Markets

Discussant: Shaoteng Li (Jinan University)


Chao Ma (Xiamen University) - Spatial Competition with Online Platforms: Theory and Evidence

Discussant: Qihong Liu (University of Oklahoma)


l  Jun 30, 2021

Chair: Heng Ju

Kohei Kawaguchi (HKUST)- Merger Analysis in the App Economy: An Empirical Model of Ad-Sponsored Media

Discussant: Yi Xin (California Institute of Technology)


l  Jul 7, 2021

Chair: Daniel Xu

Yating Jiang (Hong Kong University) - Epidemics, Inventory, and Markup: Evidence from the 2003 SARS Shock in China

Discussant: Devesh Raval (The U.S. Federal Trade Commission)


Yu Zhou (Fudan University)- Anxiety or Mobility Restriction: Evidence from the Online Platform Purchases in COVID-19 Pandemic

Discussant: Matthew Shi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


l  Jul 14, 2021

Chair: Mo Xiao

Lei Xu (Bank of Canada) - Algorithmic Pricing and Competition: Empirical Evidence from the German Retail Gasoline Market

Discussant: David Byrne (The University of Melbourne)


l  Jul 21, 2021

Chair: Heng Ju

Han Yuan (University of Arizona)- Competing for Time: A Study of Mobile Applications

Discussant: Ao Wang (the University of Warwick)


Yu Hao (The University of British Columbia)- How do firms build up mutual trust in a dynamic game: A study on collusive pricing in the Chilean pharmacy retailing industry

Discussant: Jia Xiang (Harvard University)


l  Jul 28, 2021

Panel Session: Economics and Economists in Big Tech

Chair: Mark Roberts


Nan Yang (Amazon)

Gracie Lin (Grab)

Miaoyu Yang (Kuaishou Tech)

Harikesh Nair (JD.com)



Organizing Committee (in alphabetical order):


Shuaizhang Feng, Jinan IESR

Heng Ju, SUFE College of Business

Mark Roberts, Pennsylvania State University

Mo Xiao, University of Arizona

Daniel Xu, Duke University


Please click on "read more" on the bottom to register for this seminar series. We will send out the zoom meeting ID and password before each seminar.
