The effect of a training intervention on new firm...

题目:The effect of a training intervention on new firm performance in Singapore

主讲人:Dr. Yimin Lin,Singapore Management University

时间:2018年6月26日(周二) 下午1:30-3:00




The practitioner world of growth-entrepreneurship in both mature and emerging economies has seen a proliferation of strategy tools such as business model canvas and organizational techniques around effective networking and team structuring that is tailored to entrepreneurs. But we lack strong evidence on whether these tools and techniques help, are irrelevant or perhaps even detract entrepreneurs from achieving success. We conduct a field experiment in Singapore to address this issue, using a randomly drawn sample of 202 participants from the population of Singaporean business owners. The treatment consisted of classroom sessions conducted in workshop and lecture formats that provided content in the areas of business model design, building effective venture management team and on leveraging personal networks for resource mobilization in the context of scaling and rapidly growing new ventures. In addition, participants also received individualized business coaching addressing their venture's issues and challenges in these domains. Our results provide evidence that is consistent with the view that management training has a causal effect in helping entrepreneurs achieve faster growth for their new ventures.


Dr. Yimin Lin is a postdoctoral fellow at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University, under the supervision of Prof.Gerry George (Dean). He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from Singapore Management University. He was also a visiting scholar at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2010. Yimin is a computer scientist-turned management scholar. His research work covered both computer science and management science. His current research areas include Innovation & Entrepreneurial Strategies, Knowledge Management, Big Data Processing, Data Security & Privacy, Blockchain + AI, as well as Organizational Dynamics in Blockchain Teams. His research topics in management/business areas include: firm’s innovation & knowledge creation behaviors, knowledge workers’mobility behavior, firm’s innovation team dynamics, Singapore startups behavior & growth intention, entrepreneurs’ resources acquisition as well as entrepreneurship & innovation related data analytics.

