State Capitalism and Performance Persistence of Business ...

题目:State Capitalism and Performance Persistence of Business Group
           Affiliated Firms: A Comparative Study of China and India

主讲人:Helen Hu ,Assistant Professor,Department of Management and Marketing, the University of Melbourne

时间:2018年6月19日(周二) 下午1:30-3:00




Business groups emerged in developing economies through direct or indirect support from the state in order to overcome a variety of institutional voids and/or to further state objectives of economic growth.  However, the efficacy of this organizational form and its associated governance structures have been debated given the dual possibility of business groups to allocate resources amongst its affiliates for cross-subsidization or winner-picking. We argue that elements of the institutional environment comprising of the state’s approach to organizations and the political context of these interactions vary across countries, thereby influencing business groups’ resource allocation strategies and affecting the persistence of affiliated firms’ superior performance. Contrasting the types of state capitalism in China and India, we develop and test our hypotheses. We find that the effect of business group affiliation on firms’ superior performance persistence is stronger in a state-led system of state capitalism (e.g., China) than in a co-governed system (e.g., India) and that this divergence of the business group effect is weakened as affiliated firms internationalize. Our findings have implications for understanding business groups across institutional contexts and the influence of diversity in the types of state capitalism on organizational strategies.


Helen Hu is an Associate Professor in Strategy and International Business in the Department of Management and Marketing, the University of Melbourne. She is the Director of the Centre for Asian Business and Economics (CABE) in the University of Melbourne. Her research work has been nominated and awarded at international conferences including the Academy of Management (AOM), Academy of International Business (AIB), Strategic Management Society (SMS), among others. She has also been awarded Deans’ Prize for Exceptional Distinction in Research and several Deans’ Certificates for Research Excellence and for Teaching Excellence at the University of Melbourne. In addition, Helen was appointed as an Honorary Research Fellow at Monash University, where she obtained her PhD in international business. Dr. Helen’s research interests are corporate governance with focuses on boards of directors, ownership structure, IPO, and internationalization of Asian firms. Her work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Ethics, and Asia Pacific Journal of Management, among others. She currently serves on the editorial review boards of Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Management and Organization Review, and as a guest editor of an upcoming special issue of Global Strategy Journal. She is also a regular commentator on Sky News, SBS and China Radio International.

