【师·生·享】| 感谢,有你!(第7期)



? 从左至右分别是:

Robert Johnson 教授:《竞争与战略 Strategy and Competition》

Wu Zhanxia 教授:《会计理论与实务 Accounting Theory & Practice》

Lou Zun 教授:《商学导论 Business》

Cao Jie 教授:《跨文化管理与领导力 Cultural Management & Leadership》

Richard Foristel 教授:《国际市场营销 International Marketing》

Paul Bon 教授:《高级公司理财 Advanced Corporate Finance》

《国际金融 International Finance》Yu Yan 教授因故未能出席

About Our Fall II 2016

——by Richard Foristel

Special thanks to the faculty who provided some of our most important courses in iMBA program.

Strategy and Competition by Prof. Robert Johnson, a professional in terms of business and teaching. Based on his U.S. student evaluations,he’s known as “detailed, knows everything there is to know about the course, and, great teacher!” Current students said CAPSIM, the company simulation, was difficult at first, but the teams quickly became the experts about running the simulated company. His new Shanghai students now know they have been in a genuine iMBA, where effort is required, but outcome is very worthwhile.  

International Finance by Prof. Yu Yan, the course about global finance comes at a time when the Yuan became one of the IMF market basket currencies, and China companies were and have been engaging in international M&A deals. Prof. Yu Yan, a specialist in international finance, is one of the top professors in the SUFE School of Finance and a star professor for the MBA program.

Cultural Management and Leadership by Prof. Cao Jie fits well in this new environment of China global expansion, focusing on the people who are relied on to operate global companies. Hair, WH Group, and Wanda are all extensively invested and need people to operate in cross cultural situations. Prof. Cao used weekly case studies to teach the lessons of HR, organizational culture and leadership.  She brings internationalism to her class thanks to her extensive studies abroad.   

International Marketing by Prof. Richard Foristel,examining how global companies find, and steer their ways into new markets.  While the course was in progress Starbucks appointed a new China CEO, Yum China became independent, and COMAC (China passenger aircraft) was closing orders for their new commercial jets.  Teams presented on up-to-the minute company marketing operations by using their own internet research.  

Cash was king in Prof. Paul Bon’s Advanced Corporate Finance classes, where the students learned how to navigate and analyze their way through financial planning. Teams were on the internet sifting through data to determine the financial health of a number of real companies. This SUFE specialty is an important attraction for many who choose the IMBA Program. 

Having a job, or even a career is one thing, but Prof. Lou Zun presents business systems and sets the foundation of the whole iMBA. She provides a preview of nearly all of the courses the IMBA student will study for the rest of the program. This fundamentals course allows students to better understand how she or he fits into a business – big or small. The course is a very important tool where students can improve English understanding of terms and models.   

Prof. Wu Zhanxia’s course on Accounting Theory and Practice gets all of the students ready for other courses in the program, including accounting management, finance courses and the capstone course, Strategy and Competition/CAPSIM. Prof. Wu Zhanxia opens the door to understanding accounting and the opportunities that beck onto the next level, finance and general business.  



Robert Johnson 教授与2015春季班部分学员合影


Robert Johnson 教授与2015春季班部分学员合影

Robert Johnson 教授寄语

I am impressed with you all to maintain a positive and focused attitude towards your studies in a foreign language while managing a full time career and other personal/family commitments. This is very difficult to do and you should be commended for you diligent efforts.

You have made it most enjoyable for me to teach you and I wish you the best of luck in your future studies and career.


Yu Yan教授与2015部分学员合影


Richard Foristel教授与2015部分学员合影


Cao Jie教授与2015部分学员合影


Paul Bon教授与2015秋季班部分学员合影


Paul Bon教授与2015秋季班部分学员合影

Paul Bon 教授寄语

Thank you again for all your contributions and hard work and best of luck in your final exam and in preparing your final portfolio of homework.

Wishing you lots of additional learning and personal GROWTH in the remainder of the iMBA program. Looking forward to meeting all of you in the graduation ceremony in 2017!


Lou Zun、Wu Zhanxia教授与2016学员合影

Wu Zhanxia 教授寄语






相信,灿烂的明天属于你们每一个人! 祝福你们!




上海财经大学-美国韦伯斯特大学合作举办工商管理专业(MBA)硕士学位项目,即上财中欧平台国际MBA项目,创办于1996年,是最早获教育部批准的中外合作学位教育项目之一,已连续20年招生。采用美式申请制,项目自主招生,无需参加全国联考,全面考核学员的综合素质,管理经验及英语应用能力,择优录取。 毕业后获美国硕士学位,中国教育部学历学位认证。


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