师·生·享 之 感谢,有你!(第6期)



Richard Foristel教授:iMBA项目美方主任
Lee Henderson教授:《管理会计学 Management Accounting》
George Reid 教授:《组织行为学 Organizational Behavior》
Wang Qin 教授:《管理经济学 Managerial Economics》
Paul Bon 教授:《公司理财 Corporate Finance》

About Our Fall I 2016

——by Richard Foristel

Special thanks to the faculty who provided some of our most important courses in iMBA program. 

Professor Lee Henderson who specializes in helping managers to become better managers make decisions about how their companies are operating. Lee provided the metrics and tools for to those who want to achieve in business. He reports both sections were full of candidates who were focused and intent on getting all they could get from the Management Account classes.  

Many students who enter the iMBA applied because of SUFE’s reputation in finance. Prof. Paul Bon provided rigor and method to one of our most famous courses, Finance 5000. Most of the class will move ahead to Advanced Corporate Finance with Prof. Paul Bon to cap-off these most important iMBA course. 

Dr. George Reid reports the two sections he worked with were both comparable to his best classes in the U.S., where he also teaches Organizational Behavior. Prof. Reid assured a great deal of inter action among teams and within teams to make the sessions “real-life” as if students were already living and working in the corporate environment. 

Prof Wang Qin, teaching Managerial Economics, lead iMBA students who became predicted and made economic forecasts, created strategies about customers, competitors, and their own operations. Great teaching for students who are interested in careers in consulting, general management, or even government. A must compliment to accounting and finance. It’s a don’t miss iMBA course.




Lee Henderson教授与2015春季班学员合影

Lee Henderson 教授寄语

I am impressed with your stamina to maintain a positive and focused attitude towards your studies in a foreign language while managing a full time career and other personal/family commitments. This is very difficult to do and you should be commended for you diligent efforts.

You have made it most enjoyable for me to teach you and I wish you the best of luck in your future studies and career.



Wang Qin教授与2015春季班学员合影


George Reid、Paul Bon教授与2015秋季班学员合影

George Reid 教授寄语

As always, I thoroughly enjoyed working with students this term to study Organizational Behavior.  The students seemed genuinely interested in this practical topic as OB complements the more business-oriented courses in their graduate program.  We addressed several case studies during the term and students appropriately applied OB theories and models to analyze the cases. I was very pleased with the engagement of students in the project and their robust application of OB theories to guide analysis and recommendation for the change project.  Each time I use the case study method, I learn new insights from students derived from their own organizational experience and technical expertise.Overall, this was a rewarding and successful experience.I wish the students as well as SUFE/Webster staff best luck and look forward to a return engagement in the future.


Paul Bon、George Reid教授与2015秋季班学员合影

Paul Bon 教授寄语

FINC: GOT IT? OR NOT YET? Don’t worry, you will get there.

I know that for many of you this course has been a challenge. Maybe your back ground is not Finance and you do not work in a Finance or related area. But: You all like money. Yes you do.

Every semester I am surprised with at least two things. Firstly the variety in students in my class, you are all so very, very different from each other. And secondly how some students put their heart, time and dedication into their homework and learning. The more diverse a class is the more is there to learn from each other. It is a basis for learning in itself. The more students show their affection and dedication and engagement the more other students will observe it and in the human spirit “follow their example. This course has been showing me both. And I am very happy with the result.

I would like to encourage you to continue to connect with your fellow students and follow each other’s passion and determination to learn. Finance is not difficult and everybody can learn it. However we all have our own “speed of learning”. If it was up to me only I would give only two grades A (you got it) or NY (Not Yet, you still need to cover some distance but you will get there no doubt).

If you are A now please keep going, I will fully support you and try to continue to feed your hunger. If you are NY now, don’t worry about it, you will get there. Ask help! We are here to help you and your  A-level  class mates are so happy and willing to help you out as well. Let’s continue to celebrate your “love for money” in our next course. I’m really looking forward to it. I hope you feel alike!




上海财经大学-美国韦伯斯特大学合作举办工商管理专业(MBA)硕士学位项目,即上财中欧平台国际MBA项目,创办于1996年,是最早获教育部批准的中外合作学位教育项目之一,已连续20年招生。采用美式申请制,项目自主招生,无需参加全国联考,全面考核学员的综合素质,管理经验及英语应用能力,择优录取。 毕业后获美国硕士学位,中国教育部学历学位认证。

【2016 开学典礼】2016年10月15日

【招生电话】021-55968289 / 65369770
