



Dear Provost Julian Schuster and Associate Vice President Grant Chapman,
Dear professors and distinguished guests,
Dear graduates, ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon!


Today, we gather here to celebrate the Graduation Ceremony of 16th class of the Joint MBA Program between Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) and Webster University. At this memorable moment, on behalf of SUFE staff, please allow me to extend warmest congratulations to all the graduates and heartfelt thanks to your families and friends, who give you full support! I also want to express my gratitude to all the professors, thanks for your efforts on this program.

When I was asked for the speech in this special ceremony, to share my reminiscence of the past, my expectations of the future, I pondered over the topic for a while. What does everyone present here concern the most? And finally comes my topic today, which focuses on the haze, the fog, and an underlying haze of the heart.

One day of last December, I was surprised to find that I could not distinguish our Wisdom Hotel when I was standing right in the yard of our College of Business. The bright sun that I’m used to look upon hid from me. I could barely recognize our students who were walking down the steps from the hotel after class.  The air smelled of mixture of car engine exhaust, coal power plant, and construction and deconstruction dust.  At that moment, for the very first time in my life, I realized the shock and loss of the environmental problem.

The truth is, we have to experience several losses in our lives, and most of which are due to individual reasons. It rarely happens for the so-called “beyond redemption” situation.

Days before, at the invitation of the Student Union, I delivered a speech, titled “Build to Last.”  I chose this topic in honor of the 100th anniversary of SUFE which will be held three years later, and for the “Business Century” of College of Business, the oldest college in Chinese history.

Education of the College of Business generally starts from the understanding of careers of early entrepreneurs, and then moves to the management of industry.  Based on this line of study, professors and students discuss how to manage and operate these industries and make it a success. However, it’s hard to found and manage great companies, when we are lost in the dark. We seem to become confused, lose social responsibility in this thick haze. How can we achieve great success, contribute to family wealth, and embrace another century-greatness, if we are lost in inner haze?

My topic today seems to be a little heavy, which is against my intention. I did not want to throw a wet blanket on you, especially on such an important day.  It’s been cold enough.  Hence we cannot tolerate such thick haze, naturally or spiritually.

In the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, there is a stirring phrase: “The nation is at the most critical time. Everybody must roar defiance. Arise! Arise! Arise! ”

Meanwhile, the national anthem of United States, tells us about the U.S. flag, which “is just dimly seen” through the fog and smoke, but then, catches the “gleam of the morning sun -- In fully glory, it now shines.” 

We sing these great songs, to shoulder historic missions, so that we can march out of fogs and impenetrable smoke, to follow a course to a much better and wonderful tomorrow. And that’s the kind of tomorrow I expect for you: continuous progress, happy life and most successful careers. Wish you all the best!

Thank you!

* 2014年上财中欧平台国际MBA春季招生已启动!春季入学考试(I):3月16日星期日,6月14日正式开班授课。
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