



2009年—2015年 西班牙IE中欧平台 博士

2007年—2009年 瑞典皇家理工学院,意大利米兰理工大学 ,西班牙马德里理工大学  三校联合培养硕士

2000年—2004年 东南大学 学士





中兴通讯巴西子公司,巴西圣保罗 2005年—2006年

中兴通讯股份有限公司,中国深圳 2004年—2005年




- Jie Cao and Monika Hamori, (2023). The impact of developmental job experience on job performance: The importance of team context, conditional accepted at Human Resource Management. 

- Taiyuan Wang, Jie Cao and Nan Lin, (2023). From sibship to entrepreneurship: an intragenerational perspective on entrepreneurial intention and action, accepted at Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 

- Jie Cao and Monika Hamori, (2022). Adapting careers to the COVID crisis: The impact of the pandemic on employees' career orientations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 139, online publication. 

- Amy Tian, Jie Cao, Alex Newman, (2021). The curvilinear effects of training participation on job performance through organizational support: The moderating role of entity self-beliefs. accepted at Asia Pacific Journal of Management, online publication.

- Sabine Sonnentag, Amy Tian, Jie Cao, Svetlana Grushina, 2021. Positive work reflection during the evening and next-day work engagement: Testing perceived work meaningfulness and work-goal activation as mediating mechanisms, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94, 836-865.

- Allan Lee, Berrin Erdogan, Sara Willis, Amy Tian, Jie Cao, 2021. Perceived overqualification and job performance: Reconciling two competing pathways, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94, 80-106.

- Jie Cao and Monika Hamori, 2020. How can employers benefit most from developmental job experiences? The needs–supplies fit perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 422–432. 

- W. Brenner & F. Uebernickel, 2016, Design Thinking for Innovation, Springer. Translated by Nan Lin, Jie Cao and Ping Zhou, 2019, China Machine Press.

- Jie Cao and Monika Hamori, 2016. The Impact of Management Development Practices on Organizational Commitment. Human Resource Management, 55, 499-517. 

- Monika Hamori, Burak Koyuncu, Jie Cao and Thomas Graf, 2015. Living the New Employment Rules: Early-Career, Highly Skilled Employees in the Workplace. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57, 61-68. 

- Monika Hamori, Jie Cao and Burak Koyuncu, 2012. Why Top Young Managers Are in a Nonstop Job Hunt. Harvard Business Review, 90, 7-8.



- 领导力培养与组织行为学

- 管理学

- 领导学



-“Mind the gap: Impacts of on-the-job development and the expectation gap on organizational commitment”, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2012, Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, US

- 第四届上财中欧平台“MBA明星教师”



1. 高效的员工培训,2016;

2. 人性化的人力资源管理政策对员工身心以及企业效益的影响,2015;

3. 员工职业发展措施与员工的企业忠诚度和工作表现之间的关系,2015.