【369商学学术讲座】Renewable Energy的探索

【讲座主题】Renewable Energy的探索

【主讲人】Randall Hoeflein


【时间】2014年12月6日 16:30---18:00





Asia Pacific Region, LM Wind Power Service & Logistics                                    2012-present                        

VP/GM Service and Logistics, LM Wind Power Service & Logistics                    2011-2012              

VP Corporate Strategy, Product Development and Quality, LW Wind Power      2009-2011    

Vice President, Continuous Improvement, Rockwell Automation                         2007-2008                    

Vice President, Quality, Honeywell                                                                       2005-2007


Lecturer Introduction


Overview on renewable energy – Part I

Overview on wind energy – Part II (future session)

