【商界精英论坛】New Ways of Working
【主讲人】Mogens Elsberg 大北欧通讯设备有限公司(GN Netcom)CEO
【嘉宾主持】钟鸿钧 上海财经大学中欧平台教学研究部负责人
【时间】2013年6月17日(周一) 18:30 - 20:30
18:30 - 19:00 签到
19:00 - 20:15 主题演讲
20:15 - 20:30 互动环节
Mogens Elsberg has a 34 - year track record of success in the areas of business leadership and
strategy.He began his career with IBM where he rose to a senior management position managing
the strategic outsourcing business in the Nordic region.He then headed as the CEO,the successful
restructuring of Aston Business Solutions, an international management consulting, technology
services and outsourcing company, which resulted in the company being acquired by Tectura.
Following this, Mogens developed the Microsoft Dynamics ERP global strategy at Microsoft for
four years. He is since 2009 the CEO of Jabra, the global producer of innovative headset and
speakerphone solutions. Finalizing the turn - around and re - focusing the company on growth
segments and markets, the company experiences attractive double-digit revenue growth. He is
also a co - founder of an innovative e-commerce credit card company,Pensio,operating-in Europe
and North America. He holds a Master in Engineering and a Bachelor Degree in Marketing from
the University of Copenhagen.
【GN Netcom】
大北欧通讯设备有限公司(GN Netcom)创立于1869年,成立之初便专注于通讯事业。例如在1970年,大北欧集团在上海吴淞口铺设大陆第一条电脑电缆,以及铺设从香港清水湾通往俄罗斯和整个欧洲的电报电缆;在1976年,于福州建立中国第一所电信学院,直至今日,大北欧通讯设备成为全球麦克风解决方案供应商,Jabra为其旗下品牌。
目前大北欧通讯设备有近900位员工,在全球设有办事处,旗下事业群包括联络中心与办公室设备(Contact Center & Office Headsets)、移动通讯设备(Mobile Headsets),以及专业医疗领域的助听器等,主要业务在于开发,生产及销售适用于手机用户的各种蓝牙耳机和移动电话,以及适用于联络中心、整合式通讯(Unified Communication;UC)与办公室用户的无线/有线耳机等;此外,大北欧通讯设备业务还包括原始设备制造(Original Equipment Manufacturing;OEM)业务。