人力资源管理系学术报告:Business Founders' Work Design and New Venture Development



摘要:This study aims to explain the interplay between business founders' work design and new venture development. Our qualitative research reveals that founders' work design differs in terms of unsettled and settled work. In unsettled work, founders redesign their work to serve the needed changes in their new ventures. In settled work, founders, who develop a commitment to their self-created work, often maintain rather than change their work, regardless of the potentially needed changes in the new ventures. Our findings suggest that founders' work has a subtle structure that results in direct, day-to-day experience that is integral in shaping new ventures.

主讲人简介: An-Chih (Andrew) Wang (wac@ceibs.edu) is an Assistant Professor of Management at China Europe International Business School. He received his Ph.D. from National Taiwan University. His research interests focus on Chinese leadership styles, Western leadership theories and their cultural boundaries, gender and leadership, and organizational behavior in the Chinese context.