学者大讲堂: Big Data and AI: Opportunities and Challenges

主题:Big Data and AI: Opportunities and Challenges

时间:12月9日 9:00-10:30




蔡天文(TONY CAI)现任美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿中欧平台副院长, 沃顿中欧平台统计系Daniel H. Silberberg讲席教授;宾夕法尼亚大学应用数学及计算科学教授;宾夕法尼亚大学医学院生物统计, 流行病学, 及信息学系资深学者。2006年当选国际数理统计学会会士。2008年度荣获被视为统计学“诺贝尔”奖的世界统计学考普斯奖(COPSS Presidents' Award)。2017年当选泛华统计学会(ICSA)主席。2019年获得泛华统计学会杰出成就奖。曾任国际统计学顶尖刊物统计年刊 (Annals of Statistics)主编,及多个权威学术期刊的编委会成员。

蔡教授于1996年毕业于康奈尔大学,获得博士学位,师从美国科学院院士劳伦斯.布朗。蔡教授的主要研究兴趣在大数据分析, 包括高维统计推断、统计机器学习、大规模假设检验、函数数据分析、统计决策论、非参数函数估计、以及在基因组与金融工程的应用。

Tony Cai is Vice Dean of the Wharton School, Daniel H. Silberberg Professor of Statistics at Wharton School, professor of Applied Math & Computational Science Graduate Group, and senior scholar at the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Informatics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. In 2006, Professor Cai was elected as a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. In 2008, he won the COPSS Presidents’ Award — an award regarded as “the Nobel Prize” of Statistics — by the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies. In 2017, he was elected to the presidency of International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA), and in  2019, he received the Distinguished Achievement Award from the ICSA. He served as the editor of Annals of Statistics and has served on the editorial boards of many academic journals. 

Professor Cai earned his PhD in Statistics at Cornell University, where he studied under Lawrence D. Brown, a member of United States National Academy of Sciences. Professor Cai has focused his research on Big Data Analytics, including the areas of statistical inference on high-dimensional data, statistical machine learning, large-scale multiple testing, functional data analysis, statistical decision theory, nonparametric function estimation, as well as applications to genomics and financial engineering.