Blockchain Adoption for Combating Deceptive Counterfeits

题目: Blockchain Adoption for Combating Deceptive Counterfeits

时间:5月20日 10:00-11:30


演讲者:Hubert Pun, Professor,   Ivey Business School (Western University)

摘要: In this paper, we study combating deceptive counterfeiting using blockchain technology. When a product is tagged with a non-duplicable unique identifier customers know whether a product is authentic or fake. However, customers have privacy concerns while using blockchain. We consider a market with a manufacturer and a deceptive counterfeiter. The manufacturer can either use blockchain or signal through pricing to validate product authenticity. The government can incentivize blockchain adoption by providing subsidy to the manufacturer while optimizing social welfare.  We find that without government subsidy, blockchain should be used only when the counterfeit quality is intermediate or when customers have intermediate distrust about products in the market. When customers have serious distrust about products, differential pricing strategy is more effective than blockchain. With subsidy, however, we show that differential pricing strategy should never be used. Blockchain can be more effective than differential pricing strategy in eliminating post-purchase regret, and our result advocates that government should participate in the manufacturer’s blockchain adoption decision because this benefits customers and society.

Key words: blockchain, customer privacy, deceptive counterfeit, government subsidy


Faculty Bios

Dr. Hubert Pun is a professor and the Ph.D. program coordinator of the Management Science area group at the Ivey Business School (Western University). He grew up in Hong Kong. After earning his undergraduate degree and working in Vancouver for a few years, he became part of an expansion team of a Venezuelan start-up company that grew the business to Central/North America (e.g., Colombia, Mexico, Panama, and USA) during 2002-2005. He graduated from the Kelley School of Business (Indiana University) in 2010, where he completed his PhD in Operations Management and Decision Sciences. He joined the Ivey Business School in 2010 and has taught in the undergraduate, MBA and Ph.D. programs. In the last couple of years, he was awarded with Ivey Dean’s Teaching Commendation Letters (top 10% Ivey faculty) and the University Students’ Council Teaching Honor Roll. His research interests include, marketing/operations interface, co-operative supply chain management, and healthcare operations management. He has published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences, etc. Currently, he is serving as an associate editor at International Journal of Production Research.


潘兆铭博士任教于加拿大西安大略大学毅伟中欧平台管理科学系。潘博士在香港出生,于加拿大卑诗省大学获得工程系学士学位。工作数年后,受聘于委内瑞拉一企业的业务发展部门,从2003到2005年期间,全力为该公司发展于哥伦比亚、墨西哥、巴拿马和美国等地的业务。2010年,潘博士获取美国印第安纳大学运营管理和管理科学系博士学位,其后于毅伟中欧平台任教本科、MBA和博士课程。近年,屡获毅伟院长以及大学学生会的教学表扬奖。潘博士的研究重点包括市场推广与运营的关系、合作性供应链管理和医护运营管理。其硏究成果,获行内高度认可,并在各大重点刊物上发表,包括Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences等。此外,由2016 至今,受邀为International Journal of Production Research 副编辑。