Is Dismissing Irrelevant with Quitting? An Empirical Study of the Dynamics of Employee Turnover

题目:Is Dismissing Irrelevant with Quitting? An Empirical Study of the Dynamics of Employee Turnover

时间:5月21日 14:00-15:30



摘要:We use a secondary data set from a large distribution center to examine the dynamics between monthly voluntary and involuntary employee turnover. Our results reveal a complex, intertwined relationship between voluntary and involuntary turnover. First, voluntary turnover is positively related between consecutive months. Second, high involuntary turnover is negatively related to voluntary turnover in the following month. Third, high voluntary turnover is, surprisingly, followed by high involuntary turnover. These complex dynamics reveal that over a long period of time, dismissals on the one hand help to reduce the average voluntary leaves; on the other hand, it will increase the average new hires. This observation implies a tradeoff between maintaining the existing workforce with high productivity and avoiding the cost associated with hiring new employees. Our analysis shows that the “tolerate" strategy with few dismissals yields a higher average profit than a “stringent" policy with many dismissals does when either the hiring cost or the net productivity gap between the experienced and new employees is sufficiently high. Otherwise, the “stringent" strategy is better than the “tolerate" strategy for a firm's profitability. This study also develops a stylized model to demonstrate how the dynamics of employee turnover influences a firm's recruitment decision and profitability.

演讲者简介:崔志坚博士目前担任中国科学技术大学管理学院教授,美国运筹学与管理科学学会 INFORMS 技术、创新管理与创业分会TIMES主席 Chair。在2019年回国工作之前,他曾经担任哈萨克斯坦纳扎尔巴耶夫大学副教授、运营与市场营销学科主任(2017-2019),西班牙IE中欧平台副教授(终身教职,2016-2017)及助理教授(2011-2016),香港科技大学中欧平台访问助理教授(2015-2017)。他的研究领域为新产品开发及创新战略, 研究成果发表在 Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 等国际期刊。他的教学兴趣主要包括运营管理、供应链管理及项目管理。曾在西班牙、哈萨克斯坦、中国香港及中国内地面对各国学生开设从本科到硕士、博士、MBA、EMBA及EDP项目各层级教学。崔志坚博士曾获得香港科技大学年度“十佳教师”奖(2016),西班牙IE中欧平台国际管理硕士项目年度最佳教授奖(2015),上海外国语大学英文MBA项目年度最佳教授奖(2013)。 他于欧洲工商管理学院INSEAD获得博士PhD学位,美国佩波戴恩大学Pepperdine University获得工商管理硕士MBA学位,法国欧洲地中海马赛管理学院Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management获得管理学硕士学位,中国清华大学获得工学学士学位。  
