Dynamic Resource Allocation on Multi-Category...

题目:Dynamic Resource Allocation on Multi-Category Two-sided Platforms

主讲人:Qiaowei Shen,Professor of marketing,Guanghua School of Management,Peking University

时间:2018年6月13日(周三) 上午10:00-11:30




We study how two-sided platforms featuring multiple product categories should dynamically allocate scarce resources across two sides, multiple categories, and different time periods to achieve long-term sustainable growth. We examine how platforms can improve their resource allocation decisions by properly accounting for the heterogeneity in the direct and indirect network effects within each category as well as the inter-dependence among categories on the same platform. We start with a simple theory model with two categories to illustrate the key trade-off in investment across sides and categories. We then use data from the daily deals industry as empirical validation of the theoretical findings. First, we empirically estimate the various effects and demonstrate category difference. Second, we simulate the revenue paths of the platform under different investment strategies and find that our proposed strategy that accounts for the multi-category spillover effects outperform other commonly used investment heuristics in business.


