A little appreciation goes a long way:......

题目:A little appreciation goes a long way: The tangible and relational benefits of gratitude expressions in strategic social interactions

主讲人:Dejun Tony Kong,Assistant Professor, C. T. Bauer College of Business

时间:2018年6月11日(周一) 中午11:30-13:30




Although we receive help, support, bene­fits, or favors from others, many of us may not express gratitude. Some of us may even dismiss gratitude as unworthy of serious attention. However, gratitude is highly prized in Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim thought. In interpersonal interactions, expressed gratitude can serve as a signal conveying the expresser’s benevolent intentions and beliefs, as a reinforcer promoting others’ prosocial behaviors, and as a binder building meaningful human connections. By conducting a series of experimental studies with nearly 2,000 participants (funded by the UH DOR), I have found that individuals’ expressed gratitude not only can help them reap both tangible and relational benefi­ts in resource allocations, but also can help them receive honest (versus deceptive) advice from others. These ­findings suggest that expressing gratitude is an optimal way for individuals to build personal resources in interpersonal interactions and should be strongly encouraged in social life.


Dr. Dejun Tony Kong is an Assistant Professor of Management in the Bauer College of Business. He will be an Associate Professor of Management from Sept. 1, 2018. His research centers around trust, positive organizational behavior (e.g., gratitude, humor, passion,charisma), and workplace diversity. He has published over 30 journal articles, many book chapters, and a co-edited book titled “Leading through Conflict: Into the Fray.” He has received paper awards from the International Leadership Association and the Emerald Literati Network as well as many research and service awards. He is serving on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Trust Research and Leadership Quarterly.


