Why does abusive supervision occur? ....

题目:Why does abusive supervision occur? Exploring the roles of moral development level, psychological capital, and organizational values





Previous research has revealed that abusive supervision has various harmful consequences to individuals and organizations. However, the antecedents and mechanisms that explain why abusive supervision occurs are not well understood, especially from the perspective of morality. In this study, we proposed and tested a multi-level moderated mediation model to explore the relationship between the level of moral development and abusive supervision, and the joint effect of psychological capital and corporate ethical values. Using a sample of 109 supervisors and their 436 subordinates from 39 organizations in China, we found that supervisors with higher levels of moral development are less likely to be abusive to their subordinates. Supervisors’ psychological capital partially mediates the relationship between their moral development and their abusive behaviors. In addition, corporate ethical values in the workplace moderate the direct effects of supervisors’ psychological capital and the indirect effects of their moral development on the extent to which they behave abusively to their subordinates.


魏峰现任同济大学经济与管理学院教授,博士生导师,美国弗吉尼亚大学达顿中欧平台访问学者,上海市浦江人才。研究兴趣包括领导力、创业团队、人才激励等,在Academy of Management Journal、Journal of Organizational Behavior、Management and Organization Review、International Journal of Human Resource Management、Journal of Business Ethics、Asia Pacific Journal of Management、European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology、管理世界、管理科学学报、南开管理评论等国内外顶级期刊发表50多篇研究论文。曾在长江中欧平台和中欧国际工中欧平台任研究员,多篇教学案例入选中欧和长江中欧平台案例库,主持国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、教育部人文社科等基金多项。
