Filial Piety, Old-Age Support, and Children's Gender......

题目:Filial Piety, Old-Age Support, and Children’s Gender Composition






Parents tend to under-invest in children if children do not support parents in old-age. Becker (1993) envisages that parents have an incentive to manipulate children's preference for old-age support. We provide the first set of evidence that parents forge children's preference for old-age support. Sibling gender composition provides variations in the supply of old-age support from children. However, sibling gender composition is endogenous if parents select a family size based on the gender composition of existing children. We combine the natural experiment of twins with China's One-Child Policy to eliminate the endogeneity of sibling gender composition. Consistent with the theoretical predictions, we find that having a brother rather than a sister reduces parents' expectation of old-age support from and parents' instilling of filial piety in daughters but not sons. Our findings imply that public provisions of old-age support crowd out private provisions by weakening the forging of filial piety.

